Mease P, Reed G, Pappas DA, Kremer JM. Prevalence of fibromyalgia and widespread pain in psoriatic arthritis: association with disease severity assessment in a large US registry. 2024, in-press, Arthritis Care and Rheumatology.
Pappas DA, Reed G, Kane K, Curtis, JC< Charles-Schoeman C, Giles JT, Kremer JM. Effect of biologic agents and inflammation on lipid levels and cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients. 2024 Seminars in Arthritis Rheum, in-press.
Spandorfer R, Kane K, Pappas DA Kremer J, Reed G, Curtis JR, Navarro-Millan I. New onset work disability in rheumatoid arthritis is an underrecognized cardiovascular risk factor: a retrospective cohort study using the CorEvitas registry. 2024. Submitted for publication.
Razmjou AA, Kremer JM, Pappas DA, et al. Disease response in rheumatoid arthritis across four biologic therapies associates with improvements in paraoxonase-1 activity and oxylipins. 2024, submitted for publication
Baker JF, Reed G, Mikuls TR, Thiele GM, Pappas DA, Charles-Schoeman C, Guma M, Harrold LR, Curtis JR, Kremer JM. Metabolic syndrome, adipokines and responses to advanced therapies in rheumatoid arthritis. 2024. Submitted for publication.
Aripova N, Kremer JM, Reed GA, Pappas DA, Mikuls T. Anti-citrullinated Protein antibody profiles predict changes in disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis initiating biologics. Rheumatology 2023.
Bessette L, Movahedi M, Reed G, Kremer JM, Kane K, Keystone Edward. Does the type of failure and the choice of the second biologic influence response and persistence on medication in Rheumatoid Arthritis? 2023; 29:332-340, Journal of Clinical Rheumatology.
Pala O, Reed G, Pappas DA, Harrold LR, Kremer JM. The impact of disease activity on patient reported subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Exploration of Musculoskeletal Disease 2023:1;228-40.
Capelli LC, Reed G, Pappas DA, Kremer JM. A model to predict future biological or targeted synthetic DMARD switch at a subsequent clinic visit in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Ther, 2023. Doi:10.1007/s40744-023-00606-5.
Baker JF, Reed G, Poudel DR, Harrold LR, Kremer JM. Obesity and response to advanced therapies in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research 2022.
Curtis JR, Palmer JL, Reed GW, Greenberg JD, Pappas DA, Harrold LR, Kremer JM. Real-world outcomes associated with triple therapy versus TNFi/methotrexate therapy. Arthritis Care and Res, 2021,73;1114-1124.
Kremer JM, Pappas DA, Kane K, Greenberg JD, Harrold LR, Feathers VL, Shadick N, Weinblatt ME, Reed G. Comparison of the clinical disease activity Index (CDAI) with the RAPID3 in achieving treat to target strategies using two Different US registries. J Rheum, 2021, 48:1776-1783, 2021.
Curtis JR, Pappas DA, Reed G, John A. Kremer JM. Tumor necrosis factor Cycling versus changing mechanism of action in TNF-experienced patients ACR Open,
Ocon AJ, Reed G, Pappas G, Curtis JR, Kremer JM. Short-term dose and duration dependent glucocorticoid risk for cardiovascular events in gluco-corticoid-naïve patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of Rheumatic Disease-
2021 80(12):1522-1529.-220577; DOI:10.1136/ard-2021-220577.
Kremer JM, Harrold LH, Pappas DA, Greenberg J, Kane K, Feathers V, Shadick N, Weinblatt M, Reed G. Treat to target using a metric that reflects disease inflammation, not non-inflammatory psychometrics. Letter, Journal of Rheumatol, 2021, 48: 1776-1783.
Curtis JR, Kremer JM, Reed G, John AK, Pappas DA. TNFi cycling versus Changing mechanism of action in TNFi experienced patients: Results of the Corrona CERTAIN comparative effectiveness study. ACR Open
Baker J, Reed G, Kremer J. Weight fluctuation and the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Res 2020.
Kremer JM, Reed GW, Pappas DA, Harrold LR, Greenberg JD, Winthrop KL. Hydroxychloroquine and the risk of respiratory infections among rheumatoid arthritis patients. ARD Open, 2020,
Banerjee S, George MD, Singh S, Tchervenkov J, Van Heusen A, Tageldin M, Riley M, Shaukat MS, Demenagas N, Le K, Oliveria T, Kwon S, Feustel P, Kremer JM. Patient Perception of cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis. ACR Open Rheum, 2020, ACR OR 2020;
Ogdie A, Palmer JL, Greenberg J, Curtis JR, Harrold LR, Solomon DH, Kavanaugh A, Kremer JM, Mease PJ. Predictors of Achieving Remission among Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Initiating a Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor. Journal of Rheumatology, J Rheum 2019 Jan 15. Pii: jrheum doi:10.3899/jrheuj.171034 [Epub ahead of time]
Curtis JR, Greenberg JD, Harrold LR, Kremer JM, Palmer JL. Influence of obesity, age and comorbidities on the multi-biomarker disease activity test in rheumatoid arthritis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2018 47:472-477. Also Poster 2016 ACR.
JR Curtis, JD Greenberg, LR Harrold, JM Kremer, JL Palmer.
Influence of obesity, age, and comorbidities on the multi-biomarker disease activity test in rheumatoid arthritis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2018 Feb;47(4):472-477. PMID: 28947312
Cappelli LC, Palmer JL, Kremer J, Bingham CO. Tocilizumab treatment leads to improvement in disease activity regardless of CCP status in rheumatoid arthritis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2017, 47:165-169. Also Poster 2016 ACR.
Anandarajah AP, El-Taha M, Peng C. The Relationship between Focal and Generalized Bone Loss in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2016 Sep 8. [Epub ahead of print].
New Onset Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Is an Underrecognized Cardiovascular Risk Factor: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using the CorEvitas Registry Robert Spandorfer1, Kevin Kane2, George Reed2, Dimitrios Pappas2, Joel Kremer2, Jeffrey Curtis3 and Iris Navarro-Millán4, 1
A Prediction Model For Switching of Biologics and TsDMARDs in Rheumatoid Arthritis Laura Capelli, George Reed, Joel Kremer, EULAR
Effect of Biologic Agents on Lipids and Cardiovascular Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Dimitrios Pappas1, George Reed2, Kevin Kane2, Jeffrey Curtis3 and Joel Kremer4
Ocon T, Albany Medical College. Influence of corticosteroid cumulative dose on cardiovascular events in patient with rheumatoid arthritis. In preparation for manuscript submission.
Baker J. U of Pennsylvania. Influence of disease activity on cardiovascular disease in patient with rheumatoid arthritis. In preparation for manuscript submission.
Curtis JR, Palmer L, Reed G, Greenberg JD, Pappas D, Harrold L, Kremer J. Real-world outcomes associated with triple therapy vs TNFi combo therapy: Results from the Corrona registry. Poster 2018 ACR, being prepared for manuscript submission.
JM Kremer, JL Palmer, GW Reed, D Pappas, LR Harrold, JD Greenberg, JR Curtis
Clinical and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Starting Triple Therapy and a Combination of a TNF Inhibitor and Methotrexate from a Large US Registry
Conclusion: Utilization of Triple was not common over a period of 16 years covered by the registry. Pts started on triple were older, had less severe RA and a higher comorbidity burden. These differences are likely to impact response to treatment as it appears that rheumatologists channeled pts with more severe RA to TNFi + MTX, while pts with a h/o comorbidities were more likely to receive Triple.
Poster Presented at ACR 2018.
JR Curtis, L Palmer, G Reed, JD Greenberg, D Pappas, L Harrold, J Kremer
Real-World outcomes associated with Triple Therapy vs. TNFi Combo Therapy: Results from the Corrona Registry
Conclusion: Based on real world evidence from a large U.S. RA registry, use of Triple is uncommon, and outcomes associated with Triple are less favorable compared to combination therapy with TNFi+MTX.
Poster Presented at ACR 2018.
Kremer JM, Palmer JL, Reed GW, Pappas D, Harrold LR, Greenberg JD, Curtis JR. Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patient with rheumatoid arthritis starting triple therapy and a combination of a TNF inhibitor and methotrexate from a large US registry. Poster 2018 ACR, being prepared for manuscript submission.
Birju D Bhatt, JL Palmer, JR Curtis, JM Kremer.
Changes in Blood Pressure with TNF Inhibitors for Psoriatic Arthritis in patients with PsA, there was a significant positive relationship between blood pressure and both psoriasis BSA and joint disease activity, measured by CDAI. We also conclude that clinically, the initiation of TNFi did decrease blood pressure, but the decrease was not significant. We believe that this is the first study to look at relationships between the initiation of TNFi treatment and blood pressure in PsA patients.
Poster presented at ACR 2017.
Bhatt D, Albany Medical College, Palmer JR, Curtis JR, Kremer JM. Changes in blood pressure with TNF inhibitors in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Poster 2017 ACR, in preparation for manuscript submission.
JR Curtis, L Harrold, J Kremer, JL Palmer
Higher Multi Biomarker Disease Activity Scores Foreshadow Greater Longitudinal Improvement in RA Disease Activity
Among RA patients with high baseline disease activity (measured by CDAI) and who started a new medication for RA, patients with high MBDA scores (>44) were associated with significantly greater improvement in the CDAI over time compared to those with high CDAI and lower MBDA scores. The MBDA test may be useful to select patients who subsequently have a better response to treatment and thus provide utility even beyond clinical assessments of RA disease activity such as CDAI.
Poster presented at ACR 2016.
A Ogdie, JL Palmer, JD Greenberg, LR Harrold, DH Solomon, A Kavanaugh, J Kremer, JR Curtis, PJ Mease.
Predictors of response to TNF alpha inhibitors among patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Female sex, obesity, higher CDAI at baseline, hypertension and previous biologic use were predictors of not achieving remission whereas college education (or higher) was associated with remission. Similar predictors were identified for achieving low disease activity.
Poster presented at ACR 2016.
LC Cappelli, JL Palmer, CO Bingham
Clinical Responses to Tocilizumab Analyzed by Serologic Status in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Patients treated with TCZ had improvement in a variety of disease activity measures at initial follow up, regardless of serologic status. This remained true when adjusted for baseline disease activity level and disease duration and regardless of definition used for serologic status (RF vs CCP vs either positive). The results suggest that TCZ may be equally useful in seronegative and seropositive patients, unlike some other biologic DMARDs.
Poster presented at ACR 2016.
LR Harrold, JL Palmer, JR Curtis, D Pappas, JD Greenberg, JM Kremer
Trends over Time in Achievement of Low Disease Activity Among Biologic Initiators with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Using the U.S. Corrona registry, the proportion of RA patients achieving LDA when initiating a biologic in moderate or high disease activity has increased over time.
Poster presented at EULAR 2016 (updated from ACR2015)
LR Harrold, JL Palmer, JR Curtis, JD Greenberg, JM Kremer
Trends over Time in Achievement of Low Disease Activity Among Biologic Initiators with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Using the U.S. Corrona registry, the proportion of RA patients achieving LDA when initiating a biologic in moderate or high disease activity has increased over time.
Poster presented at ACR 2015
Harrold LR, Palmer JL, Curtis JR, Greenberg JD, Kremer JM. Trends over time in achievement of low disease activity among biologic initiators with rheumatoid arthritis. Poster ACR 2015.